faithful to thrive


Each year, the Red River Region hosts a conference for 500 students from Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. The conference is called “Recweek” but each year there is also a theme. Recweek’s theme acts as the main brand identity and all marketing materials for the conference are based around the theme. The 2018 theme was “Faithful to Thrive,” inspired by a passage from the Bible that draws metaphors about life from plant imagery.

After some sketching, I realized that lowercase sans-serif "f" and "t" are very similar shapes, and almost perfectly mirrored. The “f” in faithful and the “t” in thrive could be drawn in such a way that they resembled a plant and it’s roots. It took many iterations to get this right, but I am satisfied with the solution.

Initial sketches, playing with the lowercase "f" and "t"

Initial sketches, playing with the lowercase "f" and "t"

Round one ideas

Round one ideas

Round two ideas

Round two ideas


After solving the icon and logo solution, I designed marketing materials. The conference is advertised in person through local chapters, and students want to be able to share the conference with their friends on social media. I designed powerpoint slides, Instagram posts, and Facebook cover photos.

PowerPoint slide for use in announcements at local chapters.

PowerPoint slide for use in announcements at local chapters.


Finally, there were a few on-site needs including background slides and participant name tags.
Bonus: one school used the logo to create a photobooth backdrop for all of camp to use. 

Background slide for presentations on-site

Background slide for presentations on-site

We were very excited about the photobooth.

We were very excited about the photobooth.

One name tag of about 550 that were printed.

One name tag of about 550 that were printed.